Ever Fast Logistics Services
We providing end-to-end design, implementation and operational capabilitties in freight forwading, contract logistics, transportation management and distribution
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We Work Efficiently
We offer every costumer a service tailored to their specific needs, built on our formidable experience across a board range of market. And thought for
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Commitment and Professional
We are commitment and professional servicing in logistics service and try to give the best performance in all activity works to give added value to our client.
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Showcase Our Work

Buana Service Logistics (BSL) was formed seen January 23, 2009 and start operate as logistics carrier with handling product from PT. Kimia Farma to destination in Indonesia.

Ever Fast Logistics Services

We providing end-to-end design, implementation and operational capabilitties in freight forwading, contract logistics, transportation management and distribution

We Work Efficiently

We offer every costumer a service tailored to their specific needs, built on our formidable experience across a board range of market. And thought for

Commitment and Professional

We are commitment and professional servicing in logistics service and try to give the best performance in all activity works to give added value to our client.


Buana Service Logistics (BSL) was formed seen January 23, 2009 and start operate as logistics carrier with handling product from PT. Kimia Farma to destination in Indonesia. We providing end-to-end…


Mencakup pelayanan: Jasa Pengiriman Barang Ke Luar Negeri, Kepabeanan, Jasa Pengiriman Barang Dalam Negeri, Transportasi Darat, Pengelolaan Gudang, Pengelolaan Persediaan Barang,


Diantaranya klien-klien kami yaitu: Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution (Farmasi), PT. Parastar Ecorindo (Nokia), PT. Erakomp Infonusa (IT Distributor), PT. Permata Zahra (Peraga Pendidikan), PT. CM Engineering (Distributor of Autogas)

Get in Touch

available from 09:00 – 17:00


Jl. DR. Sahardjo Raya No. 242B

Tebet – Jakarta Selatan, 12870

Need help? Call our award-winning support team 24/7 at (+62) 8111023113

General Trading, Chemical Supplier, Logistics Provider, Transportation, Courier & Consultant
